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Strategy and Planning


  • Strategic planning
  • Competitive review
  • Internal capabilities review

How confident are you that you’re delivering a consistent message and experience to your customers across every customer touch point in your business?

We usually hear “I think we’re doing pretty good”. Ok, good, but how do you know?

Strategic planning doesn’t have to be some mysterious or time consuming process. Rather we believe that a useful plan should be on a single page.

Here are the key areas of our strategic planning process:

  1. Your vision - what do the next 1-3 years look like? - big picture
  2. What is your BHAG (Big Harry Audacious Goal)?
  3. The first 90-days - how do we get the plan off the ground quickly?
  4. People - who do we have and who do we need?
  5. Sales and Marketing - how will we stand out and reach out?
  6. Innovation - how will we lead our market?
  7. Key numbers - what are the numbers we need to know and measure to drive our business?
  8. Top three initiatives for the next 12 months

If you stay focused on these key areas you will have a business that is stronger and better able to face any challenges that may come your way.  If you need some help with this, give us a call and let’s talk. Call (905) 321-2663 or email [email protected]